Dear Parents, Teachers and Counselors,
Emma’s Place is offering this story as a gift to you to you to read to a grieving child in your life, to help them process through their loss. The goal of the story is to help children understand that loss is a natural part of life. And while it is difficult to go through loss each time it happens, loss also offers an opportunity for growth and change which we would not have, had the loss not occurred.
The story helps children to name and relate to feelings that come up as they grieve their loss. It also teaches children that with each loss there will always be things that we miss, but what we lost is not completely lost because the memories live on within our hearts.
In addition, this story can be used to help formulate ideas about what happens after death, and how they envision their lost loved one. This is useful in helping the child to maintain a relationship with their deceased love one, which is one of the ways for the child to incorporate the loss in their lives in a healthy way.
This is the type of story that can be read, and re -read many times until the lessons solidify for the child. It is very important to read the story with the child for the first time so you can encourage them to speak about their feelings as you read the story.
We offer suggested questions at the end of the story, but please gauge the child’s feelings and reactions to the story and feel free to ask questions that feel right to you. Also, be prepared to answer any questions the child may have. And of course, Emma’s Place is here to answer any questions you may have.
Best regards,
Emma’s Place
(to print the story, use size 8 ½ X 14 paper).