Children’s Grief Awareness Day 2022 is:
Thursday, November 17, 2022

What is Children’s Grief Awareness Day?
Observed annually, National Children’s Grief Awareness Day raises awareness of the impact that grief has on the lives of children. The day encourages people to provide the support these children need and to help in the future.
*1 in 13 children in NYC will experience the death of a parent or sibling before the age of 18 and more than doubles by the age of 25.
90% of children will experience the death of a relative or friend before the age of 20.
* According to a study by New York Life Foundation and JAG Institute-Evaluation and Research
How to get involved
WEAR BLUE – Show solidarity by dressing in Blue on November 18th.
SHARE – Spread awareness by sharing the message with your family, friends, and community.
GIVE – Your donation to Emma’s Place helps to ensure that the grieving children in the community receive the counseling support they need. Or consider giving your time by volunteering as a fundraiser, group facilitator or school/business liaison.

If you or a child or family you know is grieving the loss of a loved one and needs free, compassionate, support by trained professionals, please reach out and contact:
Emma’s Place – 347-850-2322